Ren's personal Proctor Gallagher coach is Alex Quinn, who specializes in business quantum leaps. Alex shares these tools with you to use the power of your mind to move beyond perceived limitations and build your ideal business and life.
Everything you need to know to successfully sell your handmade products in craft fairs and art shows. “Rock Your Craft Markets” is an online course from Ren's crafty collaborator Anahita Shahrvini of the global brand GoGo Bags.
Focus on growing your handmade goods selling at craft markets or art shows. In this 6-video training series, you will learn to:
•Recognize and establish your ideal customers
• Pick the right Craft Market to maximize your success
• Use your story as a marketing tactic
• Create a sales process
• Offer irresistible deals
• Make your booth stand out and increase your foot traffic
"Technology has been a huge learning curve for me! After FFJ, I understand these platforms and many others. I've learned it's simple, free (or low cost), management and fun. It has opened a whole a new world to me that's not intimidating, costs money, or time crunchy. FFJ is such a fun learning environment it's like having your friends over for a party and at the end, you've all learned these amazing tools AND made new friends. Life + business doesn't get any better than that!"
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